I don't give a damn". I think that has to be one of my favourite lines from any movie. It is the last thing Rhett says to Scarlett at the end of "Gone with the Wind". I have loved that movie since the first time I saw it as a little girl and I have watched it countless times since then. So when I saw this (scroll down to the 22nd of April), I had to do one as well. Totallee did hers in blues, but I decided to do mine in the yellows, pinks and oranges for the sunset.
I have started my next piece, but it is on hold for a few days while I work on a project for a design student who is having a show next week and needed some help.
OMG i think i might faint! GWTW is my fav movie EVER! Cant believe how beautiful this is, i have never made anything with a face on it, but i am thinking of trying your jacob blanket for my daughter
OMG i think i might faint! GWTW is my fav movie EVER! Cant believe how beautiful this is, i have never made anything with a face on it, but i am thinking of trying your jacob blanket for my daughter
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