This week I have finishitus. I have been finishing off things that I started when I had crocheting ADD. Yup, I start things, see something else I like and move onto that. Well, this week I am finishing off things to get ready for Saturday. I found a matinee jacket and bonnet I started last year, didn't take long to do the sleeves and bonnet, I finished the hexagon cardigan I started last week or the week before. This pattern is quick and easy, I saw one some over on Crochetville had made and had to try it. She got the pattern from a youtube.com video. It is in Portuguese (I think) but the visuals are good and easy to follow. I finished the bigger camo hooded cardigan and the Bus Cuddle. I also got some yarn from a friend in the US and I used some of it to make a matinee jacket. The yarn is lovely, white with green and blue flecks with a silver thread running through it. Everything still needs buttons, I don't like sewing buttons on and wait until I have a few things that need buttons before doing that. I will be sewing them on tomorrow. :)
Over on the 'Ville someone is having a bet for not buying yarn until Christmas Eve, a lot more willpower than me, I would've failed miserably, I bought 2 cones yesterday. I can't resist a bargain, I went into a charity shop and found some cones for £0.99 each and bought 2 white ones.
I am making some more hexagon cardigans and hopefully I might have more pictures next week. Have a good weekend. :)
You are always so busy, you are such an awesome crocheter, do you every sleep???
I love the blue and white sweater. It looks like a granny square of some sort. Where can I find the pattern? huggerz laurel
I love the blue and white sweater. Where can I find the pattern? huggerz laurel
Thank you, Laurel. :) It is made from 2 hexagons. I got the pattern http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=qlYhLA2oL-0
There are 4 parts to the tutorial and it isn't in English, but it is very easy to follow. Have fun, they are quick and easy and fun.
Those are so beautiful!
Thank you. :)
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